How Can I Trust Internet Explorer?

Recently, a guy wrote an interesting blog: [How can I trust Firefox?]( Basically he went to explain why installing Firefox is not a safe process. He works for Microsoft (no wonder) and he is not even a coder (no wonder), so it is normal for him to have a soft spot for their products. One… Continue reading How Can I Trust Internet Explorer?

Busy Days in PHP Land

The last few weeks have been very busy for me in PHP land. **First**, [a critical phpBB bug has been discovered]( **Second**, PHP releases [4.3.10]( and [5.0.3]( which fixes several security issues. **Third**, it appears that 4.3.10 broke [Zend Optimizer](, thankfully Zend was quick to release a new version. **Fourth**, 4.3.10 broke [overload]( module. I… Continue reading Busy Days in PHP Land

Pemikiran Saya Mengenai Open Source Untuk Pemerintah

Artikel berjudul [BSA: Pemerintah Jangan Wajibkan Open Source]( dari [detikInet]( menarik perhatian saya. > BSA berharap pemerintah tidak membuat mandat yang mewajibkan penggunaan Open Source. “Hal ini akan mengekang pengguna, membatasi pilihan mereka, ini tidak positif.” Bagaimana seharusnya sikap pemerintah terhadap kebijaksaanan pemilihan perangkat lunak? Menurut saya sebaiknya haruslah memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut ini: * Pemerintah… Continue reading Pemikiran Saya Mengenai Open Source Untuk Pemerintah

Hati-Hati Dengan Telkom Speedy

Berhati-hatilah jika anda menggunakan atau akan menggunakan [Telkom Speedy](, terutama bagi pengguna yang menggunakan akses terbatas. Bacalah dahulu pengalaman godote di blog-nya: [ini](, [ini](, dan [ini]( Saya pribadi sebenarnya berencana untuk memasang layanan ini, tetapi setelah membacanya saya jadi berpikir dua kali untuk menggunakan layanan akses Internet dari Telkom untuk keperluan ini. Sedangkan untuk layanan… Continue reading Hati-Hati Dengan Telkom Speedy

Categorized as Internet

Roy Suryo: 68% Data Friendster Palsu?

Ini saya baca dari [blognya MDAMT]( Konon Roy Suryo mengetahui bahwa 68% data dari [Friendster]( adalah palsu. Hal tersebut disampaikannya pada acara Bincang Pagi di MetroTV. 68% darimana saya tidak tahu, yang jelas pencarian dari Internet yang saya lakukan tidak dapat menunjukkan bukti ke arah sana, walaupun mungkin ini disebabkan terutama karena mesin pencari tidak… Continue reading Roy Suryo: 68% Data Friendster Palsu?

Categorized as Debunking

Google’s ABC…

The following is, according to [Google Suggest](, three most popular searches of each letter. * *A*: amazon, ask jeeves, argos * *B*: Best Buy, bbc, bbc news * *C*: cnn, currency converter, circuit city * *D*: dictionary, dell, * *E*: ebay, election results, expedia * *F*: firefox, fox news, free games * *G*: games,… Continue reading Google’s ABC…

Categorized as Internet

My Linux on Thinkpad T41p Guide

I recently bought myself a second hand [IBM Thinkpad T41p 2373GEU]($wwwPartNumLookup/_2373GEU). Only recently I managed to install a Linux distribution in it. The distribution is, of course, [Gentoo Linux]( The greatest thing about this notebook is that the model and its variants are used by many greatest Opensource hackers. So it is easy to find… Continue reading My Linux on Thinkpad T41p Guide

Firefox NY Times Ad

They did it! Two-page of advocacy advertising of an Opensource software. And they even put my name on the left edge, how convenient! It will be easy for you to spot my name there :). Also see the official [press release]( from the Mozilla Foundation. Meanwhile, my [SpreadFirefox point]( still hovers around 110. I should… Continue reading Firefox NY Times Ad

Fun With Words

While waiting for my long compile batch to finish, I crafted a quick [Perl]( script to get various statistics of [Aspell]( dictionary. Aspell is a spelling checker commonly found in Linux and UNIX like systems. While putting together Aspell package for the new BlankOn Linux distribution, I thought it would be fun to get some… Continue reading Fun With Words

Categorized as Fun

Thinking of A Better Approach for Eliminating Spam in WordPress

For the last few days I’ve been busy wasting my morning time deleting comment spam from moderation queue, sometimes it even reaches one hundred! Deleting them is tiresome and easily ruins my mood for the rest of the day. This morning I even changed the default from ‘Do Nothing’ to ‘Delete’ in moderation.php, so that… Continue reading Thinking of A Better Approach for Eliminating Spam in WordPress

Pemakai Palm == Tukang Becak?

Pemakai Palm == Tukang Becak, itu topik yang akhir-akhir ini banyak dibicarakan di forum-forum pemakai PDA [Palm]( di Indonesia. Saya sendiri terlambat menyadari hal ini karena kepergian saya ke Medan minggu kemarin. Sumber dari pernyataan tersebut tak lain dan tak bukan adalah [satu lagi artikel ‘berbobot’]( dari []( > Oleh karena itu cukup konyol jika… Continue reading Pemakai Palm == Tukang Becak?