WordPress Yahoo/MSN Messenger Style Smileys Plugin

This plugin lets you use [Yahoo! Messenger](http://messenger.yahoo.com) or [MSN Messenger](http://messenger.msn.com) style smileys on your post, excerpts and comments. It replaces the built in WordPress smilies. I created this plugin because commenters are probably more used to IM smilies than the WordPress built in smileys, especially for the more obscure ones.


* Lets you use either Yahoo! Messenger or MSN Messenger style smileys instead of the built in WordPress smileys.
* Adds the correct `width` and `height` attributes in smileys. In addition it also adds the smiley in both `title` and `alt` attributes, i.e. it shows the smileys code when you hover on any smileys.


WordPress 1.5.


1. Download the smiley image files: [smilies2.tar.gz](http://schtuff.priyadi.net/smilies/smilies2.tar.gz).
2. Extract it in your WordPress installation directory. It should create the directory ‘smilies’ with MSN and Yahoo! smilies in it.
3. Download the plugin: [im_smiley.txt](https://priyadi.net/wp-content/plugins/im_smiley.txt).
4. Edit the plugin file. Near the top of the file, you can choose whether to use Yahoo! or MSN style smileys. You can also choose to enable Javascript smiley replacement function.
5. Save the file as ‘im_smiley.php’ and put it in your `wp-content/plugins` directory.
6. Activate the plugin from your WordPress Plugins administration menu.
7. Go to *Options* – *Writing* and disable *”Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display”*.
8. (optional) You can change how the smileys look in your CSS by modifying style for selector `img.wp-smilies`. In my case, they look best with: `img.wp-smiley { vertical-align: -25%; }`
9. (optional) If you enable Javascript smileys, you can use Javascript code `text smiley_convert_text(text);` in order to process smileys inside Javascript code. Useful if you are using Javascript based comment preview. See the source of this page for more information.
10. (optional) If you enable Javascript smileys, you can use clickable smileys, just put `< ?php smilies_clickable() ?>` next to your comment textarea.
11. (optional) If you are using both Javascript comment preview and clickable smileys, you may wish to specify Javascript function that refreshes comment preview so that the comment preview will be properly updated when clickable smileys is being used. To do this, edit `im_smiley.php` and edit the variable `$js_reloader`. Mine is `$js_reloader = “ReloadTextDiv();”;`.

**Known Bugs**

* False positives, especially in program listing. Unfortunately this is very hard to avoid. Let me know if you have an elegant solution to avoid this.
* Sometimes, smileys appear in posts but not in comments. Possible incompatibilites with WP 1.2. Need more reports from 1.2 users.
* Absolute path problem, smileys don’t appear in blogs located not in web root.
* Javascript based smileys doesn’t work in Konqueror :(


Yahoo and MSN smiley images were taken from [Gaim](http://gaim.sourceforge.net) source code. Some code are borrowed from [Wordpress](http://www.wordpress.org) original smiley code.



* First release


* Fix bug with smileys which substring matches another smileys


* Partially fix bug with smileys containing &, < or >


* Bring smileys through balanceTags safely
* Fix < on smileys being treated as start of tag 2.1: * Various cleanups 3.0: * Hopefully fix absolute path problem * Javascript based smiley replacement! Useful if you are using Javascript based comment preview. 3.1: * Fixed smileys not showing on text below '<!--more-->', tricksy regexes! 3.2: * Fixed problem with Javascript and blogs located not in document root directory. Thanks to [Ronny](http://ronny.haryan.to) 4.0: * Fixed smileys with <, > or & not showing in comments * Clickable smileys! Thanks to [Ronny](http://ronny.haryan.to) 4.1: * Fixed problem with smileys containing backslash in clickable smileys 4.4: * Updated Yahoo! smileys to version 7.0 of Yahoo! Messenger. Thanks to [Sy41ful](http://sy41ful.weblogscenter.com), [basibanget.net](http://basibanget.net/basian/2005/09/11/modifikasi-im-smileys/), Mark Sellers, and maybe others I can't remember. **Examples** :) :)) :( :(( =)) (~~) >:D< :X


  1. :( :-x X( :-X :”> O=> 0:-) >:d< *-:) (%) 3:-0 :-* o=> 3:-o :x =P~ :-sS =:) :| o:-) :-( (: x-( :-P :-S >:/ #:-S b-( $-) :-? :-j :o ^:)^ ;-) :^O =; o-+ O-> :-l :-& :0) :-s :-\ 8-X :-B /:-) ~o) (~~) [-( #-o :-Ss [-x :) :o) :(|) :O ;;) :-(( B-( :^o (-:

  2. Eh, ada comment previewnya juga ;). Emoticonnya gak muncul ya di comment preview? (Banyak maunya deh)

    Lucu, Pri. Lagi plugin-frenzy ya pak?


  3. and I cant see them on my blog either. I copied the .txt file, saved it as a .php file, left the yahoo smilies as active, uploaded the smilies folder to the root of my site, activated the plugin and disabled the bit in options. They are nowhere to be seen.
    What have I done wrong?

  4. Jewel,

    The problem is on the site path.
    1. Upload the images folder under the plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/smilies)
    2. Look for the following tag in the php file:
    // generates smilies’ search & replace arrays
    3.On both tags existing there, define /wp-content/plugins/smilies/$img’ alt=’$smiley_masked'(and son on) as the SITEURL.

    Please see MSN smilies working on my blog B-) .

  5. OK: I have now downloaded version 3, copied and pasted it into a text editor, and resaved it as a.php file. I uploaded that to my plugins folder. I uploaded the smilies folder to the root of my webspace (jewelswebgraphics.com/smilies) activated the plugin and deactivated the convert stuff in options. Still absolutely nothing. Also, everyone else has posted smilies here, but I dont see any. All I get is the plain comment window. Any ideas please? (sorry to be a bore, but I do like these smilies and think they would be good for the users on my blog who use MSN and like that sort of stuff.)

  6. #34: Which wordpress version? On my friend’s blog which uses 1.2, smilies appear in posts but not in comments. If that’s the case then the 1.2 bug is still there. Unfortunately I no longer use 1.2. So, consider this plugin as for 1.5 only unless somebody can send me a fix :-S

  7. I currently use WP 1.2 and the smilies appear in posts but not in comments. :( I’m not sure whether the plugin is incompatible or if it is just my comments because I’ve been having trouble with them. Anytime I try to make changes to stylize them, they quit working. :-? I’ve had some people look into it but they can’t figure it out. I also can’t get the preview script/plugin to work either. But I love your smiley plugin nonetheless. Thanks :D

  8. #38: Yes, that’s a known bug with WP 1.2. I’m sorry but I can’t fix the bug unless someone can send me a fix. The best solution is to upgrade to 1.5.

  9. “Javascript based smileys doesn’t work in Konqueror” .. yeah, it’s likely to be Konqueror bug? :( .. it’s horrible when you try to post some entry with Konqueror .. the tag toolbar will be useless :(, ie: only render the opening tag.

  10. #44: ok, nanti gua bikin option supaya harus ada spasi di depan, tapi gak di belakang, soalnya banyak emoticon yang gak diikuti spasi.

  11. #42: kalau teks biasa dan formatnya gak aneh2 kayanya jarang ada ‘false positive’ kaya gitu. contoh di atas, sesudah titik dua harusnya kan ada spasi. yang susah itu kalau source code.

  12. whoops… the tag in the error must have cut off the rest of my comment. :(( I’m trying to publish my RSS feed with FeedBurner, Feedster, etc. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this? Any tips would be *greatly* appreciated. Thanks so much!

  13. Nicole:

    Smilies are working fine in my RSS feeds, so I guess the plugin is not ready for 1.2 yet :( I’m sorry I can’t really fix this unless somebody else can send me a fix (I don’t have any 1.2 installation around anymore).

    I do have problem my comment RSS not validating, but that’s not related to smilies.

    If not having smilies keeping you up at night, you have two options now:

    * fix the problem with wp-rss2.php yourself, you will need to wrap the function that print out the entries with htmlspecialchars, but be careful not to escape the xml tags itself
    * upgrade to 1.5, but you will need to spend some time converting your existing template. this is the best for long term as some new plugins are for 1.5 only.

    hope that helps

  14. Thanks so much! I thought it might be a problem with 1.2 but I wasn’t sure. I’ll be switching over to 1.5 soon so I guess I’ll just elave it alone until then. Thanks for responding. :)

  15. Thank you :)
    Will hopefully be able to succeed in getting it to work.

    BTW, could you please correct the grammar in my earlier post from:

    Another questions.


    Another question.

    Thanks :)

  16. I just changed from Blogger to WP and I was looking for a way to have smilies. I didn’t feel like learning how to convert my smilie parser to a WP plugin. I’m glad I found your plugin. :)
    I just added some smilies to the array list, and it works perfectly (it doesn’t parse them wrong like in my parser :P).
    Anyway, good work and thanks for putting it to the public. :)

  17. One reason the smileys (or is it smilies? hmm) may not work in the comment previews is because the im_smiley.php javascript is not loaded. This only happens if WP is not installed in the webserver root (that’s why Priyadi’s comment preview works!). This is due to the variable $smilies_blog_url in PHP function smilies_javascript() in im_smiley.php is always empty because it’s expected scope (i.e global) is not explicitly stated. Pri, you’re missing global $smilies_blog_url;.

  18. I modified Priyadi’s im_smiley plugin to add a function to generate clickable smileys. Just put
    <?php clickable_smileys();?> wherever you want to show the clickable smileys, e.g. above the comment box textarea.

    You can choose which smileys you want to be shown always. And it also has the option to have toggle hidden smileys (set $allow_hidden_smileys to true).

    The modified plugin can be obtained from http://ronny.haryan.to/files/im_smiley.txt

    A working version can be seen on http://ronny.haryan.to

    Known problem: smileys with “>” shows in preview but not in the comment, but this problem is with im_smiley/WP itself.

  19. Pingback: ronny.haryan.to
  20. Hello all,

    Great plug-in! Just one thing I cannot figure out…

    In Firefox (which rocks) the smilies work fine, but in evil IE, the smilies appear with a black box around them..

    Is there something I’ve can do to get rid of the “black box” around the smilies in IE?

    Here is a page from my blog..



  21. #71: that’s probably the notorious IE problem when rendering transparent PNG images :(. maybe you can convert the smileys to GIF format?

  22. Thanks Priyadi, you’re right…as usual IE not supporting web standards and open source stuff!

    So, yes, I’ve switched to Yahoo style smilies and it’s avoided the problem. :d

    Just one last (stoopid question from me), How do I enable javascript smilies so I can get the clickable smilies (option 10)to work?


  23. Woops I worked it out

    it’s because the function call should be:

    , not

    (it’s all in the spacing..)


  24. :(( this is just driving me insane, i’ve read this page a dozen times, i have uploaded got everything working but when i go to write a new post for my blog, no smileys appear to click on i have to take a wild guess what letters to use then post then edit til i get the right one… same as in comments no smiles to click on appear can anyone help pleaseeeeeeee:(

    i’m using wordpress 1.5 .. brand new blog only me posting to it and want to share it with those i had my last blog with.. just want this to work please someone.

  25. #81: first, you need to enable javascript smileys (edit im_smiley.php, and make sure $smilies_javascript is set to 1). then add <?php smilies_clickable() ?> to your comment template, somewhere near comment textarea.

  26. Pingback: ukde.org
  27. Mas, ada sedikit error tuh plugin-nya. Aku kurang tahu apa penyebab awalnya, tapi yang pasti ini karena feature javascriptnya. Jadi pas dipanggil untuk dukungan javascript, fungsi punya wp jadi tidak dikenali (add_filter).
    Solusi yang aku pakai cuman nambahin @ didepan setiap fungsi ‘add_filter’. Entah kalau ada solusi yang lebih baik.

    Oh iya, bug ini terjadi setiap kali meload web.

    Hope it usefull :)>-

  28. Waduh, errornya udah lupa aku. Tapi hampir semua site yang make plugin-nya mas Pri, mesti error di javascriptnya, kalo loading.
    Tapi aku juga nangkep errornya pas pake FireFox. Kan dia punya fasilitas untuk nangkep error javascript (apaan tuh namanya?)

  29. Oh ya, ini pesen errornya (aku abru balikin scriptnya ke keadaan semua (seperti baru donlot))

    Error:Syntax error

    Note :Ini nangkepnya pake IE 6.

  30. Oh iya, sekalian (sorry posting bolak balik).
    Aku baru liat2 opsi2 yang ada di FireFox (maklum baru make). Untuk ngeliatnya, coba buka JavaScript console dari menu tools.
    Tapi aku heran, koq punya mas ga’ menampilkan error yah?
    Gini aja, siteku masih belum di benerin(lagi), jadi kalo sempat tolong cek yah, pake FireFox. Ntar kalo sudah tolong saya di-email, biar langsung di benerin lagi.

  31. hmm ok sorry to be really dense lol, but heres my deal. It is all set up in so much as the smileys are clickable into the comment field etc, but, once the comment is published, they arent actually showing up in the comments. I am sure I have just overlooked something silly but I just cant see it. l-) Any input?

    Thanks so much,

  32. lol well you know, i read that about 20 times and it didnt even click. told ya it would be something silly i was overlooking. thanks so much.

  33. Hi,

    Won’t a custom field be a solution to avoid false positives? Just a field that disables smileys for a certain post :) .

  34. Maybe I’ve missed something,, but is there a way to get the smilies to be clickable near the posting box (as opposed to the comments posting box) so I can easily clikc on them when making a post?

  35. Hey, I’m not having any luck getting my smilies to work. I’m on wp 1.5. I have edited my im_smilies.php file and it’s still not working…help. any suggestions?

  36. Yes, I did follow the instructions, but I didn’t activate the plugin the first time. Then, I went back and activated it, and it still didn’t work. I’m going to delete the files I downloaded, and re-download them and try again. Wish me luck this time. ;;)

  37. Pingback: My Mind In Blog
  38. Hi there, can you tell me which live-preview are you using here? I have one, but I don’t see the smilies in the preview(:|


  39. Hi! I loved this plugin, thanks! However, it doesn’t work at the custom fields… It would be nice if it does, so people could show their mood every day!
    Thanks again!

  40. #110: it is modified from a plugin, but I incorporated it directly into templates, not using plugin. feel free to copy it from my template.

  41. #113: by viewing the source of this page and copying relevant parts to your template. sorry, i can’t give you specific instructions, it all depends on your template and setup.

  42. Hi there. I got another idea! what about having them when we create and edit posts?

    I’ve tried, but I can’t get it work: i try to put “<?php smilies_clickable() ?>" in “edit-form-advaced.php" but it seems that it doesn’t work.

    Any ideas? [-o<

  43. halo temen2 dari indonesia bisa tolong kasih tau gak download audible sama winks dari yahoo messenger n msn messenger? tolong dijawab yah makasi :x

  44. I am tearing my hair out over this thing! My comments preview is working but clicking the smilies does not update the preview, and the smilies do not display in it either (although they do display in the rest of the page). As far as i can tell i have followed your instructions to the letter but still nothing? Any chance you could view the source on my webpage to see if you can tell what is wrong? Many thanks, in advance!

  45. nice I’m uploading the files to my blog now , we will see how it goes :-? ….

  46. I am afraid I know next to nothing about programming. Your instructions are unclear however. I cannot get the clickable smilies to work in the comment preview. I looked at your source code but knowing nothing about programming I was rather lost. I attempted to insert the javascript from your source into my index.php and that was not effective. Can you please explain in detail where and what needs to be changed. It might help to deter future posts on this subject.

    Not everyone is a programmer. And thank god, because we would all just assume everyone else should know and no one would ever learn anything.

  47. #135: the intended function of this plugin is to display yahoo/msn style smileys instead of the built in wordpress smileys. even if you don’t follow all the optional instruction steps, the plugin should work as advertised.

    the javascript clickable smileys is only created as an afterthought feature for advanced users. there are several reasons why I can’t make this easy for casual users.

    * there are several perfectly usable comment preview plugin out there, I don’t want this plugin implement comment preview too. I don’t want this plugin becomes two plugins in one plugin, I don’t want to find myself adding features unrelated to the core functions of my plugin (comment quicktags comes to mind).
    * there are vast amount of wordpress theme available, and one wordpress theme can be vastly very very different from another. this makes it very hard to create step by step instruction that you need

    that said, if somebody have an idea on how to implement javascript clickable smiley the foolproof way, i’d like to hear it.

  48. wahhh kok aku ga bisa keluar yah :(
    gimana sih cara enable javascriptnya? pusingg.. tolong dunkk

  49. ini maksudnya gimana sih?? bingung :(

    2. Look for the following tag in the php file:
    // generates smilies’ search & replace arrays
    3.On both tags existing there, define /wp-content/plugins/smilies/$img’ alt=’$smiley_masked’(and son on) as the SITEURL.

  50. Wah.. sekarang yahoo udah versi 7.0 Final.. nah.. icon smiley-nya juga udah tukar tuh..

    buat pak priyadi minta izin neh… aku melakukan sedikit hack pada plugin ini dimana udah aku buang code smiley untuk MSN nya.. lalu aku kekalkan yahoo smiley aja..

    trus, smiley-nya juga aku udah tukar ke smiley yahoo yang baru.. termasuk nambah lagi 8 smiley baru..

    Pak priyadi bisa baca maklumat lanjut disini:


  51. hi

    I’m using your plugin on my blog, and it’s really good :d

    but i have a problem is about live comment preview plugins, could you tell me which comment preview you used ?

    i am using this plugin, but the smilies icon can’t show on the preview place, and yours looks good, so can you help me?

    thx a lot …^:)^

  52. Pingback: Blawg.it »
  53. This is a very nice plugin, however am I misunderstanding something or should this only work for comments?
    I can see that my posts are also getting these smilies, but when I am writing the post, then I miss the smily-line with javascript-clickable smilies :(

  54. #157: Darn it..
    Maybe a small link that opens a popup window, so you can see what to write in order to get the smilies, could be a quick “fix” for this?
    I love the Yahoo-smilies and can live without the javascript (even though it’s nice), but it’s too much of a hazzle to open a new window and go to a page with a comment in order to see the possibilities.

    I’m looking forward to possible future releases of this plugin and thank you very much so far :)

  55. Hi, I believe I have you smiley plugin installed correctly. I have the default item in options disabled as directed. When I post a comment if I include a :) it changes it to a smiley, so I’m assuming your plugin is working. I have javascript enabled as directed in the php file too. The problem I’m having it I cannot get the smileys to show across the top of the comment area. How can I get it to display?

  56. Hi there :) I got the smilies working so they show up in my posts and comments. However, there’s nothing but blank boxes for the clickable smilies for the comments. What would I need to fix? I’m using WP 1.5.

  57. mass tolongiiiin aku ingin nampilin smilies di comment priview caranya gmana ya padahal aku udah editjadi gini

    $js_reloader = "ReloadTextDiv();";.

    apa ada tambahan script comment priview nya kalo emang ada kasih tau ya lewat imelku inzies@yahoo.com

    terimakasih banyak ya sebelumnya :)

  58. “(optional) If you enable Javascript smileys, you can use clickable smileys, just put next to your comment textarea.”

    Where exactly do we insert this code? what template file name? comments template? posting templates? I intalled everything fine. I insert the code in the comments template but instead of showing smilies it shows the code in text form.

  59. que onda no entiendo nada de su idioma solo hablo buen español y un poco de mal ingles
    :d no quisiera dejarles una mala impresion de mi pais soy de mexico:)>- y me gustaria conocer personas de otros paises
    ¡claro si es q m entienden¡


  60. Hi, :(
    I have installed the plugin, everything works fine except the clickable funciton.
    Those icons are displayed near the comment box properly.
    But when I click them, nothing appears in the comment box, and “Error on page” appears on the IE status bar. The same thing happens if I click on “More>>”.
    Could you tell me how to solve this problem?

  61. yeah NEWSFLASH everyone, this script is not worth your time. as you can see the creator feels the same way about us.[-(

  62. #172, #180: themes are different from each other. i’m sorry, but it is impossible to point out how to do it exactly on every available theme out there.

  63. allow om priyadi >:d< saya ingin nanya kok saya ga bisa yach pake smileysnya ditampilan depan artikel cuman ada gambar kotak putih doank tapi pas dicomment smileysnya bisa nongol,.thanks before ^:)^

  64. eror nii.. kagak mau muncul smilies nya?.. piye?..padahal udah gw ikutin ptunjuknya atu atu.. ~X(

    gw pake wordpress 2.0

    eh kalo nyang ini (model comment ada daftar smilies ma live preview) nama pluginnya apaan?

  65. :):(:d:”>:((\:d/:x8-|/:):o:-?:-“:-&#119;;)[-(:)>-#:-s(~~)$-)#-o^:)^[-o<@};->:d<=:)<:-p<):):-ss:-??:)):(|)3:-oo:-)*-:)**==%%-%-((%)(*)(:|8->8-x8-}:)]:-$:-&:*:-\:-<:-@:-b:-j:-l@-)>:p>:/>:)>&#45;)=d>=))=((;;);)):^o:@):o):|:-t:-h:-c:-s:pb-(b-)|-)l-)o-+o->o=>x([-x~:>~o)~X(=;

  66. Thanks for this super-cool plugin. Question — is there a way to keep the smileys feature from touching the body of my posts? It’s taking “"e;” [AMPERSAND-QUOTE-SEMICOLON in case the code doesn’t come through] for example and turning it into a smiley.

  67. hallo :D aku pasang plugin ini, aku juga pasang wordspew shoutbox, kan “Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display”. di ilangin. nah biar di wordspew itu bisa jalan juga smilenya gimana ??

    tolong dong pak priyadi :D


  68. salu
    mehdi salu moi set faris el khoukhi pourqoi reste

    a naziha y pourqoi yyymmmche

    salame ourlicom

  69. Please help!

    I have question on step 2. I uploaded the smiles folder under WordPress folder, and saved im_smiley.php’ in wp-content/plugins.

    I already activated the plugin, but still can not see smiles….

    I guess I put the smiles folder in the wrong place. Could anyone tell me where show I put the smiles folder? Thank you!!


  70. Sorry..I misspel the word…

    My question is ” Where should I upload my smiles folder”? I don’t understand what’s installation directory.

    P.S. My version is 2.0.2

  71. Sorry..I misspel the word…

    My question is ” Where should I upload my smiles folder”? I don’t understand what’s installation directory.

    P.S. My version is 2.0.2:-j

  72. In response to the last comment: it looks like you’re running WordPress 2.0.2, which isn’t compatible with this version. Sorry :(

  73. thx a lot for this plugin =d>

    I use it in WP 2.0.2_de updated from 1.5.2 and it works perfect. It works also in the JD-Wordpress (2.0-1.0 RC 2) Joomla modul on my other website.

    Kind regards from Germany

  74. #227: sure, but you will need to modify the smiley definition by yourself

    #224: wordpress installation directory is the ‘root’ directory of your wordpress instalation, it should contain your wp-config.php

  75. Sir! this plugin really rocks!\:d/ But I have a question and I was trying to search this on the scripts of WP yet I failed. Is there anyway to add a clickable smileys when writing a new post? I found where the textarea codes in wp-admin/admin-form.php. I tried to add before the textarea of the content but it really doesn’t work. Could help me on this please? :(

  76. this plugin works with latest wordpress?

    in my blog not work (tested in local)

    any idea to resolve the problem? thanks and good work!

  77. the plugin works with latest wordpress release?

    in my blog no, (tested in local), the smileys aren’t clickable and ‘more’ not “work”

    any idea to resolve the problem??? thanks 4 all and good work!!!

  78. there is something not right with instruction number 10, which is:
    < ?php smilies_clickable() ?>
    the “space” between < and ? at the beginning of the code is not suppose to be there..

    i think this is why some people cannot get the clickable smilies working..


  79. Pingback: c4stello's life
  80. in my blog no, (tested in local), the smileys aren’t clickable and ‘more’ not “work”

    Set $smilies_javascript = '1';

  81. I’ve had fun with this, although like many others i couldn’t do the java thing, but that’s actually okay with me (the full thing is too slow for me). I also had to move the smilies directory around I think because my blog is not in the root directory.

    The main issue I had, though, was stuff in <code> structures getting converted instead of remaining as code. I fixed this, and can send you the changes if you like. I think it would be pretty easy to extend this to make a user-customizable list of “skip these” tags from the admin panel inside of which no converstion would take place.

    So with my variation, the sequence <code>:-)</code> renders as :-) instead of :-) as on your version.

  82. Oh for crying out loud… ha ha, the sick smilies are pretty funny. But anyway… I mean to say, renders as &#58;-) instead….

  83. Man, gw pake WP v2.x.x terus nyobain plugins ente punya. Tapi kagak muncul juga. Padahal gw dah ikutin tuh prosedur. So, what the problem is?? THX b4

  84. it looks like not comaptible with wordpress 2.0, .any chance to make it works with 2.0 version?:-w
    btw, its very nice plugin :)>-

  85. This plugin does work with WordPress 2.0. View comment #248 above for the link if you need help installing it.

  86. Hi, i really love your plugin, but it seems like after the update to WordPress 2.0.4, it is not possible to expand to the view of all Smilies as clicking on “more” leads me to the top of the page (tested with WP2.0.4 on Seamonkey, Firefox, Flock, Opera and InternetExplorer 6)

    Any fix possible?

  87. Ada yang perlu dirubah di kalimat ini :

    (optional) You can change how the smileys look in your CSS by modifying style for selector img.wp-smilies. In my case, they look best with: img.wp-smiley { vertical-align: -25%; }

    Harus diganti dengan img.wp-smiley Mohon dirubah :D Sekalian berkunjung ke blogku ya mas pri… ^:)^ [-o<

  88. Notice: Undefined index: SCRIPT_URI in D:\wwwroot\soop\blog\wp-content\plugins\im_smiley.php on line 34

    Does anyone have an idea about how to fix this problem? Its on wp2.0.4 with php5.x versions.


  89. Hi there, actually i fixed the problem myself, was a little confusing but anyway :-)

    But this is some kind of bug, which i wanted to report.

    Your .php has a small error inside, which also is visible on this site here.

    This guy :-\ is sized 20 by 18 pixel but shows as 18 by 18, even in the comments-function (just press »more and look for him, he’s between :* and :-< in line three, right from the middle. 'yahoo_question.gif' => array ( 0 => 18, 1 => 18, ), should be replaced with 'yahoo_question.gif' => array ( 0 => 20, 1 => 18, ), in the .php-file, which is the corrext size for the smilie. Maybe you fix it in the next version, i already did in the .php on my blog, and it looks as it should ;-) Greetings from germany and thanks again for that sweet plugin, i love it!

  90. Since this plugin doesn’t even work this is what I did…

    I took the list of smilies and put them in vars.php. Then I uploaded the smiles to my wp smilies folder.

    To add them to your admin and comments just use the instructions for wp-grins.

  91. ok i have figured out how to get the smilies clickable by my comments box but it still shows the original smilies and not the yahooo smilies that i would like to show. How do i switch the smilies? If i type in the smiley code the yahoo smilies appear but they are not near the comment box

  92. I don’t know if anyone answers these comments but finally I have got the smilies added. The problem now is that they are not clickable.

    Also when you click on more to display the remaining smilies it just takes you to the top of my blog.

    I think if noone can help me with this I will just switch back to wp-grins because at least I was able to get them clickable.

    I would really love to have to have the clickable yahoo smilies like on this blog but your tutorial is very vague.

    You mention to enable javascript but you do not mention how to do that. Some of us are very new to this and don’t know all that much about it. So a more indepth tutorial would be very helpful.

  93. hi there! nice plugin but i achieved the same effect by editing the vars.php but i wonder how u did that more>> link to show up in the comment form

    do tell me about it thankx:)

  94. Hi,
    I like your smiley script, but is it not compatible with WordPress 2.03 or higher? If not, are you going to update it to work with the newer WordPress versions? Thanks for your help. :)

  95. haloo,

    kira2 ada yg tau ndak gmn caranya install emoticons ini ke drupal. hehehe maklum euy dari awal belajarnya drupal :”> thanks yah sebelumnya


  96. Can anyone give me ideas , i might get free time in the future and want to give it for wordpress …
    any idea ?
    i want idea from simple thing to mid … 1-2 hours –> 8-10 hours .
    post your ideas…

  97. Does anyone know the name of the wordpress plugin that creates a list of your posts in a category instead of just displaying them one after the other? I want it so that when someone clicks on a category they just get a list of posts from that category.

    I'm sure Ive seen one…and sifting through the WP site is a nightmare

  98. if i write a new post, where can i see the smilies in my editor? They aren´t there…
    in my comments, I get no problem, it works fine.

  99. Mau nanya donk… kenapa muncul spt ini:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/handbook/wp-content/plugins/im_smiley.php on line 1263
    Thnks ya ;)

  100. Hi! I love this plugin (one of my favorites ever!) and I’d like to know if it will work fine with WordPress 2.1…

  101. Plugins mas pri Yahoo/MSN Style Smileys, belum kompatible di WordPress 2.1

    soalanya saya pasang ada error setiap kita edit posting, halaman tidak kembali menuju ke posting tapi keluar error 404


  102. Seems there is an issue with WP 2.1 and this plug-in.

    When ever a smiley with a quote in it for example (Yahoo) :-” will get changed into :-/” and :-\ will get changed into :-

    I think the plug-in needs an update in order to work properly with WP 2.1.

  103. wah keren banget om pri pluginnya, hihihi… rasa-rasanya perlu dipasang nih pluginnya. Pluginnya YM lucu..lucu… hihihi….:d

  104. wah, makasih om, dah bikin beginian. emang smileynya WP bikin bosen… tdnya klo blm ada yg bikin beginian mo bikin sendiri.. secara udah ada, tinggal pake deh… :)

  105. makasi mas, pluginnya keren =d>
    Tp diblogku kok cuma muncul di comment form aja yah? di post formnya ga muncul hiks.. :((
    Padahal saya dah ikutin langkah-langkahnya, salah dimana ya kira2 :-??
    Help me pliss

  106. thanks for plugins

    cuman masih ada error dikit mas
    di line 59 & 103

    utk ‘yahoo_question.gif’ double
    setelah line 103 sy delete
    masalah hilang, sekarang berjalan dgn normal :)

    punya mas pri aje masih error tuh… kalau submit icon ‘yahoo_question.gif’

    eniwei, sekali lagi thanks utk plugins nya ;)

  107. (optional) If you enable Javascript smileys, you can use Javascript code text smiley_convert_text(text); in order to process smileys inside Javascript code. Useful if you are using Javascript based comment preview. See the source of this page for more information.

    I don’t understand this step, where i can add this code
    text smiley_convert_text(text);

  108. The plugin worked fine with WordPress 2.1.x, but after the Update to 2.2.3 it unfortunately does no longer convert the smileys within the comments, is there any change in sight?

    Would appreciate that!
    Or does anyone have a solution for this already?

  109. Yeah Griffin, i hope that Priyadi is going to fix the plugin, too.

    But i think, it’s a problem with WordPress that seems unfixable, because from Version 2.2.x, it converts smiley-code within comments from the normal ascii-character to some sort of hexcode.
    You can see that if you view the sourcecode of your page.
    And more proof for that is, that the old comments are still converted into smileys.
    At least, this is what i found out in my blog.
    And i must say, this really sucks..

    Maybe someone found a way the go back to the old function or whatever it is, that was used in older versions of WordPress?
    Please let us know!

  110. Hello! I love this plugin but I have a problem I can’t fix!!
    Im from Mexico… my blog is in spanish and when I use this plugin, comments are ok, but the post get modified and it takes away my tildes!!! aaaaah!!! I get something like this in my post body

    “…para un músico latino”

    So… it shows smilyes in my body that doesn’t have to be there, I think the problem is that somehow the plugin is converting all the text on the page, not only the comments text…
    Any ideas????

    thank you!

  111. hahaha ok… the text is right in this page

    I get something like “m &uacute ;s ico latino” on my page…

  112. Even worse: if you click on “edit” for the comments you received and just save it again without doing anything, the smileys are shown correctly, because they are being reconverted but with error (p.e. the quote converts to \” and the slash from smileys with \: will be removed, which produces errors in the view of some smileys)!

    Try it, everybody, this sucks deeply!

    I started doing a workaround by expanding the source of the converting-arrays with the correct hexcodes, this takes some frickin’ time, i hope it’s going to work with all of them..

  113. @Susana (#325-327)

    […]it shows smilyes in my body that doesn’t have to be there, I think the problem is that somehow the plugin is converting all the text on the page, not only the comments text[…]

    Not “somehow”, that’s what the plugin is supposed to do: convert the ascii-smileys within your whole blog to yahoo or msn smileys instead of the standard ones.

    But of course it’s a pity that it also converts the spanish letters. I wonder if it does that, too, if you deactivate the plugin, because in the sourcecode of the plugin seems to be nothing that could be resposible for it?!

  114. Who said it doesn’t work?
    It just doesn’t work the way it could!

    I even wrote, it works fine under versions before 2.2.x but from that version on, it converts to hexcodes that make it impossible to have these smileys in comments.

    You’ll have to klick edit and simply save the comments without changing, and they’re converted normally!

  115. mas coba ya sama ga sama di karakter blog aku

    tesss jalan semuanya ga aya
    :( => ‘yahoo_sad.gif’,
    :-x => ‘yahoo_love.gif’,
    X( => ‘yahoo_angry.gif’,
    :-X => ‘yahoo_love.gif’,
    :”> => ‘yahoo_blush.gif’,
    O=> => ‘yahoo_malefighter2.gif’,
    >:d< => 'yahoo_huggs.gif', 0:-) => 'yahoo_angel.gif', [-X => 'yahoo_shame.gif', O:-) => 'yahoo_angel.gif', :-D => 'yahoo_bigsmile.gif', O-+ => 'yahoo_femalefighter.gif', B-) => 'yahoo_sunglas.gif', #-O => 'yahoo_doh.gif', :X => 'yahoo_love.gif', :x :-p => 'yahoo_tongue.gif', :-/ => 'yahoo_question.gif', #:-s => 'yahoo_sweating.gif', :d => 'yahoo_bigsmile.gif', \:d/ => 'yahoo_dance.gif', :d/ I-) => 'yahoo_sleep.gif', ~O) => 'yahoo_coffee.gif', (:| => 'yahoo_tired.gif', =p~ => 'yahoo_drool.gif', :-)) => 'yahoo_laughloud.gif', o-> => ‘yahoo_malefighter1.gif’,
    *-:) => ‘yahoo_idea.gif’,
    (%) => ‘yahoo_yingyang.gif’,
    3:-0 => ‘yahoo_cow.gif’,
    :-* => ‘yahoo_kiss.gif’,
    o=> => ‘yahoo_malefighter2.gif’,
    3:-o => ‘yahoo_cow.gif’,
    :x => ‘yahoo_love.gif’,
    =P~ => ‘yahoo_drool.gif’,
    :-sS => ‘yahoo_nailbiting.gif’,
    =:) => ‘yahoo_alien.gif’,
    :| => ‘yahoo_neutral.gif’,
    o:-) => ‘yahoo_angel.gif’,
    :-( => ‘yahoo_sad.gif’,
    (: => ‘yahoo_smiley.gif’,
    x-( => ‘yahoo_angry.gif’,
    :-P => ‘yahoo_tongue.gif’,
    :-S => ‘yahoo_worried.gif’,
    >:/ => ‘yahoo_waving.gif’,
    #:-S => ‘yahoo_sweating.gif’,
    b-( => ‘yahoo_beatup.gif’,
    $-) => ‘yahoo_moneyeyes.gif’,
    :-? => ‘yahoo_think.gif’,
    :-j => ‘yahoo_youkiddingme.gif’,
    :o => ‘yahoo_ooooh.gif’,
    ^:)^ => ‘yahoo_worship.gif’,
    ;-) => ‘yahoo_wink.gif’,
    :^O => ‘yahoo_liar.gif’,
    =; => ‘yahoo_bye.gif’,
    o-+ => ‘yahoo_femalefighter.gif’,
    O-> => ‘yahoo_malefighter1.gif’,
    :-l => ‘yahoo_frustrated.gif’,
    :-& => ‘yahoo_sick.gif’,
    :0) => ‘yahoo_clown.gif’,
    :-s => ‘yahoo_worried.gif’,
    :- => ‘yahoo_question.gif’,
    8-X => ‘yahoo_ghost.gif’,
    :-B => ‘yahoo_glasses.gif’,
    /:-) => ‘yahoo_eyebrow.gif’,
    ~o) => ‘yahoo_coffee.gif’,
    (~~) => ‘yahoo_pumpkin.gif’,
    [-( => ‘yahoo_silent.gif’,
    #-o => ‘yahoo_doh.gif’,
    :-Ss => ‘yahoo_nailbiting.gif’,
    [-x => ‘yahoo_shame.gif’,
    :) => ‘yahoo_smiley.gif’,
    :o) => ‘yahoo_clown.gif’,
    :(|) => ‘yahoo_monkey.gif’,
    :O => ‘yahoo_ooooh.gif’,
    ;;) => ‘yahoo_batting.gif’,
    :-(( => ‘yahoo_cry.gif’,
    B-( => ‘yahoo_beatup.gif’,
    :^o => ‘yahoo_liar.gif’,
    (-: => ‘yahoo_smiley.gif’,
    x( => ‘yahoo_angry.gif’,
    :-b => ‘yahoo_glasses.gif’,
    :-@ => ‘yahoo_talktohand.gif’,
    :-o => ‘yahoo_ooooh.gif’,
    /:) => ‘yahoo_eyebrow.gif’,
    :)) => ‘yahoo_laughloud.gif’,
    :-W => ‘yahoo_waiting.gif’,
    :-> => ‘yahoo_mean.gif’,
    |-) => ‘yahoo_sleep.gif’,
    :D => ‘yahoo_bigsmile.gif’,
    :-ss => ‘yahoo_nailbiting.gif’,
    @-) => ‘yahoo_hypnotized.gif’,
    =d> => ‘yahoo_clap.gif’,
    :-w => ‘yahoo_waiting.gif’,
    :-$ => ‘yahoo_shhhh.gif’,
    ~:> => ‘yahoo_chicken.gif’,
    :-J => ‘yahoo_youkiddingme.gif’,
    (*) => ‘yahoo_star.gif’,
    >:P => ‘yahoo_madtongue.gif’,
    =:-) => ‘yahoo_alien.gif’,
    :(( => ‘yahoo_cry.gif’,
    8-x => ‘yahoo_ghost.gif’,
    >:p => ‘yahoo_madtongue.gif’,
    =D> => ‘yahoo_clap.gif’,
    >-) => ‘yahoo_alien2.gif’,
    :-L => ‘yahoo_frustrated.gif’,
    =(( => ‘yahoo_brokenheart.gif’,
    :-| => ‘yahoo_neutral.gif’,
    :P => ‘yahoo_tongue.gif’,
    :@) => ‘yahoo_pig.gif’,
    l-) => ‘yahoo_loser.gif’,
    :-) => ‘yahoo_smiley.gif’,
    :O) => ‘yahoo_clown.gif’,
    :)>- => ‘yahoo_peace.gif’,
    L-) => ‘yahoo_loser.gif’,
    3:-O => ‘yahoo_cow.gif’,
    %%- => ‘yahoo_shamrock.gif’,
    :p => ‘yahoo_tongue.gif’,
    :-\” => ‘yahoo_whistling.gif’,
    :-d => ‘yahoo_bigsmile.gif’,
    :-< => 'yahoo_sighing.gif', \:D/ => 'yahoo_dance.gif', >:) => ‘yahoo_devil.gif’,
    [-O< => 'yahoo_pray.gif', 8-| => 'yahoo_eyeroll.gif', **== => 'yahoo_flag.gif', :* => 'yahoo_kiss.gif', 8-} => 'yahoo_silly.gif', =)) => 'yahoo_rotfl.gif', X-( => 'yahoo_angry.gif', b-) => 'yahoo_sunglas.gif', :-O => 'yahoo_ooooh.gif', :> => ‘yahoo_mean.gif’,
    ;) => ‘yahoo_wink.gif’,
    >:D< => 'yahoo_huggs.gif', :-SS => 'yahoo_nailbiting.gif', ;)) => 'yahoo_giggle.gif', @};- => 'yahoo_flower.gif', [-o< => 'yahoo_pray.gif', :)] => 'yahoo_onphone.gif', :-c => 'yahoo_callme.gif', ~X( => 'yahoo_witsend.gif', :-h => 'yahoo_wave.gif', :-t => 'yahoo_timeout.gif', 8-> => ‘yahoo_daydream.gif’,
    :-?? => ‘yahoo_dontknow.gif’,
    %-( => ‘yahoo_notlistening.gif’,
    :”> => ‘yahoo_dontknow.gif’,
    :-* => ‘yahoo_kiss.gif’,

  116. Everybody who is having problems with the whistling smiley in newer WordPress versions: Just open the im_smiley.php in an editor and change in line 162 the value ‘:-\”‘ to ‘:-~’

    That won’t fix old smileys, but from now on, the smiley can be used again…


  117. Pingback: Zestead Network
  118. aduh ini bikin clickable na piye toh pak,,asli binun aku, udah berhasil di instal, tapi ga muncul di komen area…capee deeh :-|b-(b-(:-l:-l

  119. Mas, aku sudah berhasil install dan di comment area sudah muncul,, tapi kok gak bisa diklik ya? (gak clickable gitu) jadinya kaya pajangan doank! apa karena wp saya versi 2.3.1 ya??? atau themesnya yg harus diubah??? :(

  120. […]from Priyadi’s Place replaces your default WordPress smilies with Yahoo Messenger style smilies[…]

    This plugin is also cool if available for blogspot users. Or is there already one? :-?

  121. :(

    I like this plugin, but though I have followed your installation steps, the smileys never show up around the comment textarea.

    Did I do something woring? Or I have to install something else before I use this nice smiley plugin?

    Thank you!!!

  122. mo nanya kalo pasang external url images di WP bisa gak ya? saya bikin add-on buat Firefox, tapi sementara cuma jalan di Multiply.com soale MP bisa masukin tag html, kalo WP bisa mau tak coba buat juga neh…

  123. hmm mas priyadi, saya sudah menginstall plugin ini, tapi kok tidak bekerja ya? saya sudah mengatifkannya di plugin.

    oh ya, plugin ini memunculkan clickable emoticons seperti blog mas tidak?

  124. kok aku gak bisa yah om ngedit plugins :((
    caranya gak ada yang bahasa indonesia yah
    aku gak ngerti bahsa inggris nih dan baru belajar jadinya setengah2.

    aku udah sampai aktifin pluginnya trus abis itu gimana lagi binggung nih :-??

    mohon bantuannya yah mash belajar nih!!

    somebody help me ^:)^

  125. How do I bring the smiley in line with the text? I have this in my CSS:

    img.wp-smiley {vertical-align: 25%; }

    But it doesn’t work :((

  126. :( lom berhasil juga ? binung sama langkah 8 ? itu di apakan ? edit atau apa ? koq aku cari2 sript itu gk ada ? /:)

    (optional) You can change how the smileys look in your CSS by modifying style for selector img.wp-smilies. In my case, they look best with: img.wp-smiley { vertical-align: -25%; }cite=””></blockquote

  127. Pingback: Syimen Dot Com
  128. mas aku minta ijin buat mengedit dikit smiley yahoonya, boleh kan.. kreditnya tetep asli dan tak tambahin sedikit nggak tak kurangi apa-apa kok mas…


  129. Sedikit koreksi mas :

    itu seharusnya gak spasinya.

    Mau tanya kok di WP 2.5.1 smilenya gak mau muncul di post ya ?

  130. @};- Halooo mas priyadi (*)
    tanya dong… kalau mau nambah emoticon gimana caranya yaaaa?

    kan sekarang ada emoticon baru tuh dari yahoo…
    puppy eyes, buzz, pirates dan transformer…

    maksud sy sih.. saya mau edit list yang ada mau saya kurangin dan yang gak ada mau saya tambahin… gimana ya caranya

    mohon bantuannya [-o<[-o< Terima kasih

  131. di wordpress 2.6.2 (seperti di blog ini juga), sepertinya ada masalah dengan icon tertentu.

    si wordpress menambahkan backslash ke karakter tertentu, jadi icon tidak bisa ditampilkan.

    contoh: :d/

  132. Sorry This is not working on IE8….

    Please have a look ..


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