260 Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Microsoft di Linux?

Berikut adalah kutipan komentar [Eko Juniarto](http://data.startrek.or.id) pada tulisan di [Direktif](http://direktif.web.id) yang berjudul [IGOS dan Boikot](http://direktif.web.id/arc/2005/05/igos-dan-boikot#comment2692).

> … yang terasa sekali kehadirannya adalah perwakilan dari Sun Microsystem yang meng-advokasikan JDS. dibumbui bahwa Microsoft mengklaim ada 260 intellectual property (IP) yang dipakai oleh komunitas open source, dan ditambah dengan Microsoft dan Sun sudah menyetujui saling bertukar IP antar keduanya, untuk menguatkan posisi Sun sebagai “sponsor” IGOS.

260 *intellectual property* milik Microsoft di Linux? Sayang sekali pencarian saya di Internet untuk mencari daftar *intellectual property* tersebut tidak membuahkan hasil. Apa bentuk dari *intellectual property* tersebut? Saya berani bertaruh bahwa seluruhnya adalah paten.

Tapi sejak kapan paten Amerika Serikat berlaku di Indonesia?


  1. You got the wrong interpretation actually.
    IMHO these are the correct information sequence :
    1. During Asian Leaader Forum in Singapore, around October 2004, Steve Balmer from Microsoft was asked to give a talk there.
    2. Steve cited the research sponsored by SCO that Linux violated the 220 or more patent from Unix. These are all the patents you can find in the SCO vx IBM lawsuits. That is why for Asian countries entering WTO, it is not safe to have the IT infrastructure is based on Linux. Of course, he recommended Microsoft product
    3. OTOH, Sun Microsystems already paid the Unix royalty to SCO before. Thus Sun can indemnify any user of Solaris SPARC, Solaris x86, Sun Linux, Java Dekstop System (Linux and Solaris SPARC/x86), Java Enterprise Server (Linux and Solaris SPARC/x86) from negative effect if SCO wins the lawsuits with IBM.

    BTW, Indonesia is a WTO member since 1995, so any IP from USA has to be honored, as fellow WTO member

  2. bukankah hak paten itu hanya berlaku di negaranya saja?

    dan kalau dia ingin hak patennya itu berlaku di negara lain, berarti ma mematenkan produk/jasa/hak ciptanya di banyak negara

    dan di negara tempat ia tidak mematenkan hak paten tersebut, tentunya tidak berlaku hak patennya.

  3. #2: IANAL

    * WTO melalui TRIPs cuma mengharuskan hukum paten, tapi tidak menyebabkan hukum paten berlaku antar negara
    * paten di amerika gak berlaku di Indonesia kecuali si pematen melakukan aplikasi juga di Indonesia
    * Indonesia tidak mengakui paten software
    * Pada TRIPs, software masuk ke copyright, bukan paten.

  4. Akan tetapi, yang namanya Indonesia ya tetap Indonesia. Seperti halnya penegakan undang-undang hak cipta yang masih lemah di Indonesia, di Ditjen HKI-pun ada beberapa (saya baru menemukan beberapa, mungkin totalnya cukup banyak) paten yang seharusnya tidak boleh dipatenkan (misalnya paten tentang “teori dan metode di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan matematika” dan “aturan dan metode mengenai program komputer” [= algoritma?]) yang bisa “lolos” menjadi paten.

    Bisa dicoba dicari di database paten Ditjen HKI, menggunakan kata kunci yang lazim dijumpai di paten software, seperti “algoritma”, “komputer”, “data”, “perhitungan” (atau “komputasi”), “kompresi”, “Microsoft” dsb.

    Jadi, meskipun secara hukum Indonesia tidak mengakui paten software (karena undang-undang paten memang berbicara begitu), tetapi kalau namanya Indonesia ya tetap Indonesia (pelaksanaan dan penegakan undang-undangnya tidak sesuai dengan undang-undangnya).

  5. (sambungan) Selain itu, semoga paten-paten yang di atas itu bisa makin sedikit (bisa dibatalkan karena tidak sah), karena kalau tidak, hal itu mungkin bisa membahayakan (= akan makin banyak paten software), karena pihak-pihak lain yang ingin mematenkan softwarenya mungkin bisa memaksa Ditjen HKI untuk mengesahkan paten software mereka juga, dengan dasar bahwa ada paten semacam itu (paten software) yang disahkan (jadi paten yang baru itu harusnya sah juga). Pada akhirnya, Indonesia akan dipenuhi paten software dan mungkin paten software itu sendiri akhirnya disahkan juga (jadi sebaiknya harus dicegah sejak dini. Selain itu, kalau tidak salah, di Amerika Serikat pada awalnya juga begini, tetapi karena tidak ada pencegahan jadi akhirnya seperti itu).

  6. ini salah satu implementasi “simbiosis mutualisme” saja. Kalo pihak penguasa di negeri ini lagi butuh, misalnya “sokongan dana”, sangat wajar kalo mereka membenarkan kapitalis semacam M$…

    walau tidak ada hak paten semacam itu diakui, kalo dari sini **== (baca: kapitalis) sudah “meminta”.. well.. u know what will going on.. :-w

    tidak kaget kalo IGOS cuma slogan latah saja… mungkin mengerti saja nggak apa itu Open Source elite2 negeri stream-mainded ini :((

  7. #5 it is true that patent has to be registered locally to have immediate effect in each country. But if you want to see the repercussion and can stomach a lawyer-ish language, may be this is interesting : http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/trips_e/t_agm4_e.htm

    Layman interpretation : the purpose of joining WTO is to have assurance of equivalent treatment. OTOH, if we do not play fair, we will be sanctioned.
    May be we can use pirated Microsoft Product and do not care, but we cannot sell our garment to USA. Or may be the price of instant noodle for “anak kost” goes up since USA raise the wheat price with special price for Indonesia :D

    BTW, the SCO vs IBM lawsuit is not about software as end product, but about “codebase”, usually nicknamed “Bell Labs codebase”

  8. #13: yes, WTO requires us to honor copyrights, trade secrets, among other things from other members of WTO, but not patents.

  9. #14, unfortunately, patent is included in the TRIPS definition of Industrial property :

    For the purposes of the TRIPS Agreement, “intellectual property” refers to:

    … all categories of intellectual property that are the subject of Sections 1 through 7 of Part II of the agreement (Article 1:2). This includes copyright and related rights, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs, patents, integrated circuit layout-designs and protection of undisclosed information.

  10. #10, SCO vs IBM is actually not directed towards Linux or Open Source in general, but solely to IBM only. It will not make Linux being removed or banned totally.
    IANAL also, from many source I read towards this case, the worst what can happen are :
    1. IBM pays the settlement to SCO for breaching the NDA
    2. Any feature in Linux which was injected by IBM has to be withdrawn, which will set a drawback to Linux feature, but I believe recoverable easily, and mostly impacting the feature of Linux on midframe and above requirement (CMIIW). I sincerely hope that it will not impact average desktop user.

  11. #15: CMIIW, IANAL, IMHO,

    in TRIPS, patents are only protected on other member countries in the form of ‘priority right’, in which a patent holder is prioritized when filing the same patent on other member countries 1 year (?) after filing date. but he/she still have to file the patent on each country, and the application is subject to each country patent rules.

    having a patent granted on one member country does not mean the patent is automatically valid on every member countries.

  12. #17, in that case, the repercussion is simple. If you are a company, where the patent IP is being abused in another country, and making your company does not receive it’s supposed reward or profit, then just close the shop, quit from that country’s business.
    Simple not realistic example, “LV” bag for women, since too many fakes in Indonesia, they close shop and only open in Singapore? What the Indonesian ladies does? They travel to Singapore and shopping there. Who will get money from business, Indonesia or Singapore? Of course Singapore.

    Another example, two strongest Linux distribution even the one under GPL is Fedora by Red Hat and Novel Suse. Check the EULA, they are under US Export Control Laws. Once Indonesia being put under embargoed countries by OFAC, Red Hat and Suse cannot export the technology to Indonesia. Especially if the movement in Congress to nullified the GPL is successful, ouch. Simple example may be OpenOffice. If Sun Microsystems is being pushed by Uncle Sam to withdraw its license on OpenOffice, then what?

    OF course, there is another alternative, but will that be easy? Consider the standardization, consider the interoperability. Let’s go back to the issue of a country adopting Open Source technology. Is our intellectual resources actually independent where we can tell “go to hell” with other countries regarding the patent ownership?

  13. Pingback: #direktif
  14. wow, cool. kebetulan saya (walopun kuliah hukum) gak terlalu ngerti soal HaKI (masih pake produk bajakan sih ;) ), jadi bisa belajar.

    buka2 lagi ah, menarik juga…

  15. alhmdulillah aku dan suamiku tdk lagi menggunakan non original..
    jadi meskipun tdk punya beberapa program yg karena kalo beli mahal banget, aku kok bangga ya:)

    menurutku kalo kami anggap mahal dan tdk mampu (atau tdk tega) untuk beli, ya udah gak usah lah punya/pake program itu..
    tidak berarti kemudian ‘mencuri’ kan;)

    aku misalnya dg bangga tdk punya excel. karena program yg aku beli dg komputerku adalah windows XP home edition..dan excel itu yg masuk microsof office yg di temnpatku harganya beberapa ratus poundsterling!!!
    meskipun beberapa teman sering membawa ‘mangga dua’ produk tapi aku tidak pernah mau..banyak yg heran :o
    but I am quite proud of myself:d

  16. #19 I do my business and coaching talk in English, that is why automatically I am tuned into English to discuss this kind of matter.

    Do not worry, I still use Bahasa to get Indonesian babes attention :x

  17. Wew… satu per satu coder di *sini* (kantorku) mulai *terjun* ke FOSS, meski masih partial dan side-by-side dengan WinXP yang telah menemaninya coding selama ini.

    Distro yang dipakai sangat variatif, dari Ubuntu sampai Mandriva. Well, not bad at all. Setidaknya masih ada Eclipse untuk menggantikan EditPlus bajakanku :((

    Btw, ngetes browser ama OS sekalian :D

  18. If you are a company, where the patent IP is being abused in another country, and making your company does not receive it’s supposed reward or profit

    no, patent IP is not being abused if it is not valid in country in question. of course, we are talking about patent right? copyright issue is entirely different matter.

    Is our intellectual resources actually independent where we can tell “go to hell” with other countries regarding the patent ownership?

    My point is US patents only valid in the US and other countries which has bilateral IP agreement with the US (Japan?).

  19. #24: hare gene maseh pakai “text based”? Ini akan membuat buruk citra Linux, “tidak adakah browser modern di Linux?” Padahal ada Opera, Konqueror, Mozilla dan turunannya, dll. :”>

    Hmm, Sun dan Microsoft nggabungin IP? Untuk “melawan” IBM? IBM kan yang masih pemegang patent software terbanyak (atau IP)?

  20. #26:

    hare gene maseh pakai “text based”? Ini akan membuat buruk citra Linux

    Gak ada hubungannya antara memakai text based browser dengan membuat buruk citra Linux.

  21. daripada kita dituduh ngebajak hak cipta orang (Microsoft, dalam hal ini), mendingan bikin OS yang user interfacenya mirip produk Microsoft (Windows OS) tapi sourcenya beda, walaupun sederhana tapi bisa open source and nggak butuh spek gede (mungkin ntar tampilannya mirip Windows 98) hehehehehehe 8-|

  22. kok …linux ama browser ku ini…enggak ada di database ya?!?! :( kalo gitu balik lagi ah ke windows xp…..

  23. Dear Mr Priyadi and Mr Dhedi,..

    concerning your discussion,..may I have your contact address (email) for further discussion.

    I have interest in IP Law,.and planning to take my master thesin in IP law in Japan.

    Maybe both of you can be my source.


    please mail me: gusamana@yahoo.com

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