Bloglines Ceases to Work with Konqueror

Summoning the ever mighty Bloglines Plumber: bloglines freedbacking.

Several days ago, I noticed the left pane in [Bloglines]( –my favorite online feed reader– sometimes would fail without displaying any feeds. It would spew an error message:

> FATAL: Could not load ‘dojo.profiler’; last tried ‘__package__.js’

I thought it was only a caching glitch which is very common with my current mediocre Internet connection. Sometimes a reload will fix the problem.

However, since yesterday I can no longer get my feeds no matter how many times I hit the reload button. And [Bloglines News]( has this likely cause of the problem:

> You might have noticed a few fancy little changes we’ve made to your feed tree on the left pane today. You’ll like them even more when you learn what’s behind the scenes!

> * We no longer update the entire left pane when the unread or “kept as new” counts change. Now the counts update in place with a fading yellow indicator. The result is a faster, more pleasant way to cruise through your feeds, especially for those quick on the hotkeys.
> * We’ve decreased the time between automatic updates to your unread counts so you don’t have to press the “r” hotkey quite so often.

Looks like their ‘few fancy little changes’ are now complete, and reloading won’t get me an old version of the left pane.

My web browser is [Konqueror]( 3.5.2. It appears to be working fine with [Firefox](


  1. 10 besar oi..\:d/

    #7 iya nih. koq pake bahasa inggris sich:-?

    Kalo aku semenatara buka manual aja. Belum terbiasa pakai RSS.
    keculai kalo RSSnya bisa langsung dikirim jadi sms :d
    Maklum selama ini masih pake warnet :)>-

  2. enakan pake yang sebelum diganti jadi begini…
    secara dengan internet kost saya yang payah, sekali loading left panenya aja suka lama. belum lagi kalo error.

    cape deh :(

  3. sokorrr…:D
    ditempatku nromal saja tuw om pri
    *mumpung puwasa, gak bakalan marah orang disokorin juga

  4. maaf neh numpang lewat, mau tanya masalah CD ubuntu..
    aku udah pesen… tapi ampek hari ini belum sampek juga…hiks..hiks..
    -10 CDs requested in 2006-08-18. 10 CDs approved and sent to the shipping company in 2006-08-22. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
    -15 CDs requested in 2006-08-24. 15 CDs approved and sent to the shipping company in 2006-08-29. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.

    apa aku nunggu nya kurang sabar yah???
    emang nya yang laen nyampeknya berapa lama setelah dipesen??

  5. Saya sebenarnya suka juga pake Konqueror. cuman sebelnya kadang-kadang dia jadi lambat sendirinya waktu ngeloading sebuah halam web di bandingkan dengan Firefox.

    Sekarang gini aja aku buat. kalo lagi pas pake Kubuntu pake Konqueror buat browsing. And kalo pake Ubuntu pake Firefox. eh ngomong2 mo test browser juga nih. versi berapa Firefox gw neh :D

  6. Nyobain rasa internet di perpus menggunakan GNU/Linux…
    Uh bangganya, seluruhnya di install Linux walaupun dah ada MCA

  7. Sometimes websites with free services tell about the glitch after it happened. They are now trying to inform their users ahead of the their scheduled maintenance or upgrade.

  8. Man, gue gak ngerti ama orang2 yang comment disini, bangga bener jadi 10 besar …:o :d Anyway, I still think google reader is the best.

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