My WordPress Plugin Meme

[What plugins do you use on your blog and how do you rate them?]( Mine is below.

* [Browser Sniff]( Useful to humiliate Internet Explorer users out there :). (6/10)
* [Entity2NCR]( A fix for invalid RSS feeds, should be merged into WordPress core someday (10/10)
* [Gravatar]( Implements [Gravatar]( (10/10)
* [Yahoo/MSN Style Smileys]( Probably the most useless plugin I’ve ever made, ironically it took more of my time than any of my other plugins (5/10)
* [Image Browser]( Reminiscent of my old WordPress installation. There are probably better image manager plugins out there, but at least it works and I’m so used to it. (7/10)
* [Markdown]( Post formatter, I don’t use it for comments, though. Can’t live without this, plain HTML sucks (10/10)
* [PHPExec]( Probably my most practical plugin. Not as useful as plugins made by others, though (9/10)
* [Technorati Tags]( Get related blogs from [Technorati]( It works, most of the time. (8/10)
* [WP Plugin Manager]( Manage my WordPress plugin. It gets useful sometimes. (7/10)
* [IP to Country]( Get the country of (almost) any IP address (7/10)


  1. wah.. padahal kemaren gua ada kepikiran mo nanya mas pri pake plugin apa aja.

    ada bakat jadi paranormal neh.. :-?

  2. Markdown. Woohoo. Implemen di comment dong, Pri, kayak gue hehehe :-”

    Menurut loe apa yang membuat Markdown lebih enak daripada Textile?


  3. #2: gak dipasang di comment soalnya:

    * commenter wordpress biasa pake HTML
    * markdown pake # buat bikin heading, jadi line pertama posting ini jadi h1 :(
    * lebih ribet buat comment preview, cuma jalan dengan lengkap di gecko :( kalo HTML semua browser juga bisa :)

    terus terang blum pernah pake textile, gua dulu tanya ke elo textile ato markdown. ya udah gua pake markdown aja jadinya :P

  4. waaaa, gua malah mempersedikit plugin, servernya nggak kuat kalo kebanyakan processing. yang terinstall sekarang hanya Browser Sniff, Entity2NCR, FollowURL, Gravatar, Yahoo/MSN Smiley sama Related Post.

  5. yah telat.. met ulang tahun :D

    btw tau script tuk migrasi dari bBlog ke wp gak? :D *pengen tau doang.. soalnya gw masih eneg ngeliat format template nya wp :P, puyeng! gak biasa ngoding php campur html lagi*

  6. weh..telat, Met hari kelahiran.

    Weh..banyak juga pluginnya.
    Aku gak pake Plug in :D , ada yang diinstall tapi gak dipasang :p . Abis gak butuh-butuh amat.

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