Thunderbird 1.0 is Out!

After [FireFox]( hit 1.0 a few weeks ago, now it is [Thunderbird](’s turn. This is a boon to Windows users whose OS doesn’t come with a decent email client. Download size for Windows is only 5.8 MB. Yes, Outlook/Outlook Express users, I’m talking to you, make your switch now and enjoy a better email client. I hope this will reduce Windows users’ tendency to annoyingly top-post their email replies. :)


  1. Aku udah download. Enak banget. Kesan pertama neat dan clean. Import data Outlook berjalan smooth. Kerennya lagi ada fasilitas RSS. Aku liat posting ini aja merupakan hasil retrieve RSS thunderbird :)

    Dulu say good bye to IE
    sekarang say good bye to Outlook

  2. gua paling sedih liat tbird jadi ‘underdog’
    soalnya dimilis2 paling sering perang antara eudora dan thebat, gak ada tuh nyinggung2 tbird :D
    malahan oe aja sempet diomongin, gara2 gak secure nya itu hahahaa

  3. sayang thunderbird blom bisa jadi m$ exchange client kayak evolution… padahal udah dari dulu pengen ganti si outlook :-(

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