Iklan Satu Halaman Untuk FireFox

Tim marketing [Firefox](http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/) yang bersitus di [SpreadFirefox](http://www.spreadfirefox.com/) akan melakukan usaha marketing besar-besaran untuk mempopulerkan Firefox. Mereka berencana untuk memasang sebuah iklan satu halaman penuh di The New York Times pada saat Firefox 1.0 diluncurkan! Iklan tersebut akan dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh donatur yang masing-masing menyumbang $30 ($10 untuk pelajar). Sedangkan nama dari seluruh donatur akan dicantumkan… Continue reading Iklan Satu Halaman Untuk FireFox

Categorized as Internet

Comment Spammers Have Arrived

For the first time this site got hit by a few dozens of comment spam today (if you don’t consider [these](https://priyadi.net/archives/2004/09/10/anne-ahira-bukanlah-pahlawan/) as comment spam). I hope it doesn’t get any worse than this because that was the primary reason I closed the first version of this blog a year ago. Of course, since I set… Continue reading Comment Spammers Have Arrived

Categorized as Blogging

Situs Terbaik?

Kontes pemilihan [situs terbaik](http://www.situsterbaik.com/) kembali diadakan. Situs terbaik mengambil satu pemenang dari lima nominasi yang ada pada setiap kategori. Ada 16 buah kategorisasi situs berdasarkan jenis situs. Tetapi apakah situs-situs yang menjadi nominasi tersebut mengikuti [standar web](http://www.w3.org) dengan baik? Saya mencoba melakukan [validasi HTML](http://validator.w3.org) pada seluruh situs yang menjadi nominasi tersebut. Validasi dilakukan secara default… Continue reading Situs Terbaik?

Categorized as Internet

Buka Bersama Aktivis Linux Jakarta dan Bandung

Kemarin sore diadakan acara buka aktivis Linux Indonesia yang berada di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Acara ini dihadiri oleh: Saya, [Dicky](http://www.massaint.or.id), [Jay](http://yulian.firdaus.or.id), [Ananda](http://an.punten.com), Gani, Reza, Firdaus, Rusmanto, Aulia Adnan, Sofyan, [Made Wiryana](http://wiryana.pandu.org), Ase, Adi, Eko, [Zikri](http://www.zikri.com), [RMS46](http://rms46.vlsm.org) (mohon maaf kalau ada yang terlewatkan). Buka bersama tersebut diadakan di Dapur Sunda Pancoran. Acara tersebut bersifat santai. Topik-topik… Continue reading Buka Bersama Aktivis Linux Jakarta dan Bandung

Estimating The Cost To Develop Software Using Conventional Means

Recently, [some guy](http://www.google.com/search?q=jeff%20merkey&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) offered to relicense 2.4 branch of Linux kernel for a mere $50,000: > We offer to kernel.org the sum of $50,000.00 US for a one time license to the Linux Kernel Source for a single snapshot of a single Linux version by release number. This offer must be accepted by **ALL** copyright… Continue reading Estimating The Cost To Develop Software Using Conventional Means

Butuh Dana Untuk Kegiatan Richard Stallman

[Richard Stallman akan jadi ‘pentas’ di Bandung](https://priyadi.net/archives/2004/10/13/richard-stallman-ke-bandung/), tetapi masih ada kendala yang selalu menjadi masalah, yaitu masalah **DUIT**. Untuk menghadiri presentasi dari [Richard Stallman](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman) tidak akan dipungut biaya. Tetapi tetap saja kami membutuhkan biaya untuk akomodasi beliau selama di Bandung. Atas laporan [Dicky](http://www.massaint.or.id), dana yang terkumpul saat ini baru sekitar Rp 1.7 juta. Itu pun… Continue reading Butuh Dana Untuk Kegiatan Richard Stallman

I Need A New Keyboard

My current keyboard has started acting funny. My Left Shift and Enter keys frequently don’t respond when I hit them. I’ve been pretty disappointed with this [Microsoft Natural Multimedia Keyboard](http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/productdetails.aspx?pid=019). It worked OK only for first few months. After that, it requires considerable more force to push down the key, writing a lengthy document could… Continue reading I Need A New Keyboard

Categorized as Hardware

Why I’ve Chosen WordPress

My previous blog post about [blogging software marketshare](https://priyadi.net/archives/2004/10/13/marketshare-software-blogging-di-indonesia/) spurred many comments from veteran bloggers. As I stated before, long time bloggers prefer [MovableType](http://www.movabletype.org) to other blogging software. [Thomas](http://warnadunia.net/) has told the world [why he still uses MovableType](http://warnadunia.net/archives/2004/10/why_still_mt). [Avianto](http://home.avianto.com) also posted the entry titled [Why MovableType?](http://home.avianto.com/archives/2004/10/why_movable_type.html). And what are my reasons switching to [WordPress](http://www.wordpress.org)?

Complicated Mobile Blogging

Mobile blogging is not yet straightforward enough. At least that what I thought when I was struggling to make my last post about [my nephew](https://priyadi.net/archives/2004/10/15/my-nephew-naufal-was-born/). I originally wanted to make the post with my notebook, however for some reason its modem refused to function properly. So I was left with my trusty P900 smartphone to… Continue reading Complicated Mobile Blogging

Categorized as Blogging

My Nephew Naufal Was Born

I’m in Bandung now to visit my brother Fahmy and his wife Renny who just had their first baby. *Naufal Hafidz Aria Bangun* was born at 11:48 in 12 October 2004. He was 3.18 kg and 50cm tall at the time he was born. He is my first direct nephew and my parent’s first grandchild.

Won a Notebook!

I just won an [IBM Thinkpad T41p model 2373GEU](http://www5.pc.ibm.com/us/products.nsf/$wwwPartNumLookup/_2373GEU) on [eBay](http://www.ebay.com) for $2025! A bit more expensive than what I had hoped before. I was hoping to get it within 1800-1900 range, but it’s still a good deal since the seller claimed it is brand new, not refurbished. And also considering the model is no… Continue reading Won a Notebook!

Categorized as Hardware

Richard Stallman ke Bandung

[Dicky](http://massaint.or.id) membuat pengumuman pada milis [Klub Linux Bandung](http://bandung.linux.or.id) bahwa [Richard Stallman](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman) akan singgah di Bandung. > Guys, > tgl 23 en 24 october ini kita akan kedatangan Mr. Richard Stallman … > buat yg belum tau .. googling dulu deh … > Rencana nya akan memberikan pidato/presentasi pd hari sabtu 23 october > 2004 jam… Continue reading Richard Stallman ke Bandung